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FAQs and key points

Key points

The Fast-Track Bill is an abuse of power, with Ministers seeking to bypass normal
democratic processes.

The Bill removes normal opportunities for the public to have a say in any development proposal that is being fast-tracked, unless the development is on land you own or directly adjacent to land you own.


Expert Panels considering projects are not allowed to publicly notify proposals. This means even if a project is in your catchment or neighbourhood you won't know about it until it has already been considered and approved by Ministers.


While Post-Settlement Government Entities may be consulted, iwi that have not settled are not recognised by the Bill and only conditions relating to Treaty settlement agreements apply. This means mana whenua are largely cut out of decision making. 


Councils may be asked for their views  but have no say in final decisions.  Any plans, decisions, or rules they have already made for their region can be overruled by Ministers. So where locals have already had their say in a regional or district plan and decisions made, this can be ignored by Ministers. 


Further to this, other experts, public health officials, and NGOs who would normally be involved can also be excluded.


When panels assessing the projects apply conditions to attempt to mitigate environmental or human health impacts, Ministers can throw out those conditions.


None of this is normal. This is an abuse of power and deeply anti-democratic.


The actual decision on any fast-tracked project will be that of the three Ministers, alone.

The Fast-Track Bill is focused on the destruction and exploitation of our natural environment.

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The Fast-Track Bill ignores Te Tiriti despite what the Government claims.

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Councils and the communities they serve will have all liability and responsibility for projects but no power over the project rammed through by Ministers.

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